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Konvent – The “glocal” interior design

Konvent, with its fusion of antique, decadent and timeless, with its interior design has made it an artistic center without equal.

Konvent - El diseño de espacios interiores "glocal"
Konvent – The design of “glocal” interior spaces

The concept of design of interior spaces in a ¨glocal¨ way, a fusion between local know-how and a way of seeing the world in a global perspective.

The first time I heard Konvent’s story, I didn’t understand it: A convent reformed as an artistic meeting point and residence. How? What? Where?

Words are not enough to understand the transgressive concept of this multidisciplinary artistic space established by Pep Espelt in this abandoned convent near Berga, Barcelona.

His photos describe precisely what words are difficult to understand. Yes, a former nunnery from the late nineteenth century converted into an exclusive space for creation and art, it’s that simple.

Going deeper with the concept of glocalization, the design of its interior and exterior spaces is a set of ideas juxtaposed between the preservation of the original architectural structure with the impact and contrast of the most modern and global colors and textures. 

Spaces have been converted keeping the essence of what already existed, maintaining the aura of the old, reusing existing structural resources and taking advantage of natural resources such as light and the environment.

The primitive force of the design of the interior spaces fills the rooms, and with a sober and frugal decoration with antique furniture they become unique, transcendental and ascetic spaces.

Konvent – Sala of Coworking

The creation of spaces with a surreal magnetism fits perfectly with the different activities that are programmed throughout the year. A space with several faces but with the same identity: art gallery, inspiration space, theater, dance formations and music.

In addition, as I understood, it is possible to reserve and spend a few nights in one of the parts adapted as a residence.


I am not inclined to write poems or songs, but if somewhere I could be tempted to start a career as a poet, it would certainly be at the Konvent.

Photos from Konvent website

c/ konvent, 0
08699 – Cal Rosal (Berguedà)

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