Our Purchase Conditions

General conditions

In general, online purchases made through AMARU ANTIQUES are subject to the conditions set forth in this document and are regulated by current Spanish legislation and jurisdiction. The web user also has the obligation to always act according to the law, good customs and in good faith.

The prices indicated in AMARU ANTIQUES are in € euros and include the corresponding Value Added Tax (VAT) at the time of making the sale (currently VAT of 21% or 10% depending on whether it is general or reduced). Shipping costs must be added to these prices, unless “Shipping costs included” is indicated.

Prices are correct except for possible typographic error. The buyer always has the obligation to pay for advanced the order and the right to receive what was purchased in perfect condition.

AMARU ANTIQUES is not responsible for the errors (also malicious) for the introduction of data by the client in the forms of the website.

AMARU ANTIQUES reserves the right to modify unilaterally, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the virtual store, its prices, etc., as well as to suspend or cancel access to it or its sale of any of its products temporarily or definitively. The validity of the offers will be timely, without them having to necessarily coincide with a temporary period previously announced or notified.

Purchase Conditions

The general purchase conditions regulate the acquisition of the products available on this website, by the customers of AMARU ANTIQUES.

These purchase conditions respect the regulations on consumers and users, mainly the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Law of Services of the Information Society; in Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users; and in Law 7/1996, of January 15, on retail trade.

To register in our virtual environment and/or buy in our virtual store the visitor must register as a user and/or customer of our virtual environment and accept the general purchase conditions, as well as the conditions that refer to the protection of personal data. This express acceptance is understood full and without reservations to all the general conditions of purchase in the version published by AMARU ANTIQUES at the time of user access to our environment and/or virtual store. In the event that the customer is not in accordance with the content of these general purchase conditions, he must choose the “Cancel” link and abandon its purchase intentions in our virtual store.

This virtual store is intended for final consumers in the sense established by Law 26/1984 General of July 19 on the defense of consumers and users, as well as to the client’s own consumption or of the people on behalf of which the client acts. You must be legally authorized for this (being of legal age in the case of natural persons or having sufficient legal entity in the case of companies).

How to make your purchases

Below you have a table of contents where you can find all the information you need to make the purchase of our products:

  • Información de los productos
  • Procedimiento para realizar el pedido
  • Vigencia del precio y de la oferta
  • Gastos y modalidades de entrega
  • Condiciones y términos de entrega
  • Disponibilidad del producto y sustitución
  • Formas de pago
  • Devoluciones y retornos de envíos
  • Garantías
  • Responsabilidad
  • Reclamaciones y resolución de conflictos

Product information

The description of the products offered on the website is based on the information provided by the supplier. AMARU ANTIQUES is not responsible for the errors in such information.

The information and data included in each product or its pictures have a purely informative function.

Procedure to place the order

The purchasing system of the AMARU ANTIQUES website works through the well-known shopping cart, in which you add products as you visit our catalog of products from our online store. Each time you add a new product, your updated shopping cart is displayed so you can review its contents.

  • Es necesario estar suscrito a la web para poder realizar un pedido o compra. Si no lo estás, se te solicitarán tus datos la primera vez que añadas un producto al carrito de compra.
  • Para añadir un producto al carrito de compra, pulsa el botón Añadir al carrito. Opcionalmente puedes indicar el número de unidades que quieres comprar en el caso que sea posible.
  • Puedes consultar tu carrito de la compra siempre que lo desees simplemente seleccionando la opción Mi Compra o pulsando sobre el carrito. Ten en cuenta que el carrito de la compra conserva su contenido de cara a posteriores visitas.
  • El botón Actualizar te permite cambiar el número de unidades compradas de un producto. Simplemente modifica la cantidad y pulsa el botón Actualizar para volver a calcular el nuevo importe. 
  • De igual forma, el botón Eliminar te permite eliminar un producto de tu carrito de compra. Si deseas vaciar todo el carrito de compra, pulsa el botón Vaciar carrito que encontrarás en la parte inferior.
  • Cuando el contenido de tu carrito sea el correcto, pulsa el botón Confirmar compra para iniciar el proceso de compra. Ten en cuenta que al realizar esta acción, estás aceptando plenamente y sin reservas la totalidad del contenido de las presentes Condiciones de Compra.

You will be provided with the contractual information, as well as these Purchase Conditions in Engish, and can store and print them.

Once the order is confirmed, it will be electronically stored in our database and a purchase confirmation will be sent to your email within 24 hours. For this reason, you need to verify the filters in your email so that the messages you receive from the email address oriol@amaruantiques.com arrive smoothly in your inbox.

As a customer you can check all your orders in the section called My Orders in the My Account area.

If you detect any errors in the entry of your data when you have placed an order, write us as soon as possible to oriol@amaruantiques.com, indicating the correct data. Subsequently, the customer is informed of the time of shipment of the order by e-mail.

To make any other consultation related to an order, please contact AMARU ANTIQUES by WhatsApp/Telephone (+34.657210741) or email (oriol@amaruantiques.com).

Price and offer validity

The purchase price of the products offered on this website is the one indicated on each product. The price of the products includes all taxes with which the current legislation taxes the sale of the products. At this price is added the amount that corresponds to the cost of the shipment.

AMARU ANTIQUES distributes its products throughout Europe. For shipments directed outside of Spain, Ceuta and Melilla it is necessary to contact first by email oriol@amaruantiques.com to confirm the total price and shipping costs. AMARU ANTIQUES will prepare an export DUA as a necessary requirement to make the shipment to Ceuta or Melilla, so you must assume the expenses associated with the preparation of the DUA and that are detailed in the Expenses and delivery modalities section of this document. Since January 13, 2015, no export DUA is necessary for shipments destined for the Canary Islands. In any case, the recipient will also be responsible for paying the corresponding customs expenses and import duties.

Our offers or promotions will indicate their duration, or the number of units available. In order to avoid confusion, you will be able to verify the validity of our promotions at the final purchase price, before making the payment.

The price indicated will be respected, except in the event of a manifest error and which could reasonably have been recognized by you as the incorrect price.

Costs and delivery methods

The shipping method of the orders is automatically determined based on the destination and the weight of the shipment to make it as fast and economical as possible. Our orders are shipped by courier or service specialized in the transport of antique furniture.

Courier deliveries are door-to-door.

Service deliveries of Large Cargo are only to the main gate of the requested address, that is, at street level. However, there is the possibility of delivery directly to the floor of the requested address. In that case, it is necessary to contact oriol@amaruantiques.com to confirm this option and organize this shipping mode.

En el caso de muebles de gran tamaño de servicio de Gran Carga, queremos evitar el riesgo de retorno a remitente debido a no encontrar nadie en la dirección indicada en la fecha de entrega. Por esta razón, es necesario informar si hay que concretar una fecha y franja horaria de 4 horas para la entrega o bien si hay siempre alguien disponible durante horario laboral de 9h a 17h en la dirección indicada.

Así mismo, se recomienda dar un número de teléfono del mismo país de destino en caso de necesidad de contactar con el destinatario en el momento de la entrega.

For international shipments outside Spain, please contact by email and you will receive a shipping quote along with other shipping details such as delivery times.

The cost of shipping to any point in Spain is automatically calculated based on the weight of your order.

The cost of processing the export DUA is 12.84 Euros for Ceuta and Melilla. This cost will be added to the rest of the order expenses.

You deliver to Ceuta and Melilla, the following email must be contacted oriol@amaruantiques.com to confirm the shipping price before any purchase.

For deliveries to Peninsular Spain, the Balearic Islands and Canary Islands, the exact cost of the shipment will be automatically calculated on the summary screen of the order so you can check it before making the payment.

Delivery Terms and conditions

AMARU ANTIQUES uses two types of transportation service: courier service for small and medium-sized products and Large Load service for large products.

Consideramos muebles de gran tamaño Gran Carga a piezas de más de 40 kgs o de más 150 cm de largo o si la suma de Largo, Ancho y Altura sea mayor de 300 cm (en el caso de envíos a España Peninsular) o bien si la suma de Largo más dos veces el Ancho más dos veces la Altura sea mayor de 300 cm (en el caso de envíos fuera de España Peninsular).

The delivery time for courier is usually between 24 and 72 hours for shipments to the peninsula. For shipments to the Balearic Islands the delivery time will be 3 to 5 days. For shipments to the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla should be consulted in each case. Delivery time for Large Cargo Service is usually less fast (between 3 and 15 days). This is because it is necessary to hire a white glove specialized transport service that depends on its availability and we also need extra time for the packaging of the product.

Delivery times are estimates made by our various carriers. We are generally punctual, but the world of transport is not perfect. For this reason, we cannot be held responsible for possible delays caused by incidents occurring during transport (vehicle breakdowns, adverse weather conditions, delays due to customs inspections and other circumstances beyond our control).

As a general rule, orders paid by bank card are issued the next business day. Orders paid via transfer will be shipped in the same way from the day of confirmation of payment. It is always counted from the first business day.

It should be noted that in accordance with the current law, the delivery time can be up to 30 days.

Delivery times are average deadlines and do not include holidays or weekends.

AMARU ANTIQUES will not be liable in the event that the delivery time is exceeded by outside causes, such as loss of material by the carrier or causes of force majeure. The customer will always be informed in a timely manner about possible incidents in the transport and delivery times.

The transport company will deliver the order within the indicated timeframe provided that there is someone to receive the order at the address indicated by the customer. In the event that no one is found at home, the transport company will leave a notice to contact it and arrange delivery.

Deliveries to homes away from the transport company that require a special trip, will have to adapt to the schedules of the agency.

It is very important that you provide a delivery address where someone can pick up your package. Since the distribution is made by an external company, it is not possible to request a certain delivery time.

Please note that deliveries will not be made on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays.

Possible damage caused during transport

If the customer receives a product whose packaging shows an apparent deterioration or breakage, the customer must notify the carrier at the time of receipt of the package.

Unable to check the condition of the product at the time of delivery, you must write in the carrier’s support: “Pending review, it will be compliant after examining the content”.

At the same time, any damage will have to be notified to AMARU ANTIQUES via e-mail within a maximum period of 24h. No incidents are processed by phone, only by e-mail. In this way everything is recorded and there is no possibility of confusion or loss of information. It is necessary to send photos detail and a description of the damage that occurred when receiving the package.

Product availability and replacement

Most of our products are unique pieces and only available in our warehouse. If for some reason we no longer have a product, three things can happen:

  1. Te ofrecemos la alternativa de adquirir un producto de características similares al solicitado, de calidad igual o superior y sin aumento de precio. Os llamaremos u os haremos llegar un correo electrónico con la sugerencia propuesta. En caso de aceptarla, tramitaremos el pedido de inmediato.
  2. Si no existe alternativa o no aceptáis la sugerencia, tramitaremos un pedido al proveedor si no se trata de una antigüedad. En este caso, el envío puede demorarse hasta cinco meses.
  3. Si tu pedido contiene varios productos, podemos enviarlo de forma parcial si el número de productos disponibles es suficiente. En tal caso, el resto de productos te llegará en un segundo envío sin que sea necesario abonar gastos adicionales.

If you do not agree with any of the above alternatives, we will refund your money within 30 days.

Payment methods

You have several possible payment methods:

  • Mediante tarjeta de crédito VISA o MasterCard. El pago mediante tarjeta se realiza a través de la plataforma de pago segura de la entidad bancaria, Caja de Ingenieros en este caso. En este caso, el pedido se tramitará una vez la entidad bancaria haya validado el pago. AMARU ANTIQUES no accede en ningún momento a los datos facilitados por el Usuario y en consecuencia tampoco los almacena de ningún modo. Las medidas de seguridad pueden incluir el envío de un código de compra al teléfono móvil asociado a su tarjeta o la petición de introducir un PIN proporcionado por su banco. Si no puede realizar el pago con su tarjeta de crédito, comunique por favor en su banco que debe dar de alta su tarjeta para pagos seguros en Internet.
  • Mediante transferencia bancaria. AMARU ANTIQUES le facilitará por e-mail los datos para que realices la transferencia. En este caso, no se gestionará el pedido hasta que el pago no sea efectivo. AMARU ANTIQUES no tramitará ningún pedido hasta comprobar que todos los datos son correctos y que el pago se ha realizado. Para mayor seguridad y agilidad, se puede enviar el comprobante de ingreso o transferencia escaneado o fotografiado por correo electrónico a oriol@amaruantiques.com.
  • Por Paypal. El pago mediante Paypal se realiza a través de la plataforma de pago seguro de Paypal. En este caso, AMARU ANTIQUES os redirigirá a la pasarela de pago de Paypal. El pedido se procesará una vez que Paypal haya validado el pago. AMARU ANTIQUES no accede a los datos facilitados por el Usuario en ningún momento y no los registra de ninguna forma. Las medidas de seguridad pueden incluir enviar un código de compra al teléfono móvil asociado con su cuenta de Paypal o solicitar el ingreso de un PIN proporcionado por Paypal o su banco en caso de usar Paypal opción pago con targeta de crédito o débito. Si no puede realizar el pago con su cuenta Paypal o su tarjeta de crédito a través de la plataforma de pago Paypal, informe a Paypal o a su banco que necesita registrar su tarjeta para pagos seguros en línea.
  • Por Bizum. El pago mediante Bizum se realiza a mediante una transferencia a través de la plataforma de pago seguro de Bizum. En este caso, AMARU ANTIQUES os proporcionará el número de teléfono activo de pago de Bizum para que usted realice la transferencia. El pedido se procesará una vez que hayamos recibido el pago. AMARU ANTIQUES no accede a los datos facilitados por el Usuario en ningún momento y no los registra de ninguna forma. Las medidas de seguridad pueden incluir enviar un código de compra al teléfono móvil asociado con su cuenta de Bizum o solicitar el ingreso de un PIN proporcionado por Bizum o su banco. Si no puede realizar el pago con su cuenta Bizum, informe a Bizum o a su banco.

Returns and refunds of shipments

If, as a result of an incorrect address, repeated absence or rejection of delivery, any returned package arrived, AMARU ANTIQUES will contact you to let you know this fact. In this case, you can choose to refund the amount (excluding shipping costs) or reshipment by paying the corresponding shipping costs.

Right of desistment

If any product does not please you, you can exercise your right of withdrawal and cancel the order provided that it has not left the warehouse or return it after receiving it during the following fourteen calendar days from the receipt of your order so that you have its amount refunded.

Shipping costs for the product you wish to return will not be refunded. Even if the package was shipped at no cost, the amount equivalent to those charges will be deducted.

Any returned product must not have been used, must be in perfect condition for resale and must be returned together with its original packaging with all the accessories it contains, without any marks of use, in perfect condition and properly protected avoiding stickers, sealing or adhesive tapes directly on the surface or packaging of the product. Otherwise, AMARU ANTIQUES reserves the right to refuse the return. For legal reasons, some products cannot be returned such as customizable products or work done at the customer’s request.

To return one or more products, follow this procedure:

  1. Envía un correo electrónico a oriol@amaruantiques.com con asunto “Devolver un producto” indicando los datos personales, el número de pedido, el producto en cuestión, el número de unidades y si se prefiere la devolución del dinero o el cambio por otro producto. AMARU ANTIQUES se pondrá en contacto con el cliente para proceder a la devolución. No se admitirá ninguna devolución que no haya sido tramitada con anterioridad vía e-mail a oriol@amaruantiques.com. 
  2. Send the products by the transport company that you consider most appropriate to the following address:
    Pol. Ind. La Gelidense, Calle Aliança Gelidenca, Nave 15C
    08790 Gelida (Barcelona)
    The transport expenses originated by the return will be borne by the client. Transportation must be carried out properly and always with insurance that covers the entire value of the merchandise.
  3. After receiving the package and verifying its content, we will proceed to refund to the same account you have used to pay (by card, by Bizum, by transfer…) within 30 days. If you pay by transfer or check, tell us the account number where you want us to make the income. If you wish, we can use the corresponding amount as credit for future purchases.


The liability of AMARU ANTIQUES will be limited, in any case, to the amount of the order and will not be compromised by errors or omissions that may have taken place, when it has acted diligently.

AMARU ANTIQUES cannot be held liable for non-compliance, in the event of exhaustion of stocks or unavailability of the product, force majeure, interruption of activity or total or partial strike, in particular postal services, means of transport or communications, floods or fire.

Claims and dispute resolution

You can make a claim by letter addressed to our registered office, or email (oriol@amaruantiques.com), indicating the order or ticket number/purchase invoice and the reason for your claim. We will respond to your claim within a maximum period of 30 days.

For any dispute arising from the existence, access, use or content of the General Conditions of Purchase, both the client and AMARU ANTIQUES, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction and competence of the Courts and Tribunals of Vilafranca del Penedes, Barcelona, Spain.

These General Conditions of Contract shall be implemented and interpreted in accordance with Spanish law, legislation to which the parties expressly submit.